Now that JJ Abrams has started to open up about the development of Star Wars Episode VII, more actors have begun to come forward to talk about their casting talks with the director. The latest actor to confirm his talks for a possible role in the much-anticipated film? Former Disney star turned serious actor Zac Efron, who admits it would be "cool" to get a role.

According to The Huffington Post, when the rumors about the film first began to circulate, Zac Efron was one of the first to be considered for a role (alongside other former child & Disney stars as Leonardo DiCaprio and Ryan Gosling). At the time, critics lashed out at the choice, because Efron was still considered a "teen star" and there was the fear that his brand of "High School Musical" type acting would destroy the Star Wars brand. (Apparently, the wooden acting from Hayden Christiansen is perfectly okay though...)

But send a guy to rehab, and suddenly his street cred goes up. And according to Digital Spy, Efron has confirmed that he sat down with director JJ Abrams to discuss the possibility of a role in the film. "Yeah, I just went and met with them. So I don't know. It would be cool. I love [the Star Wars movies], I love them, but… who knows?" said the actor.

However, fans of Leonardo DiCaprio will be sorely disappointed to learn that while DiCaprio confirmed that he also met with JJ Abrams about a role in Episode 7, he passed up on the opportunity because of his commitment to the film "Robotech."

Meanwhile, Abrams has further confirmed that he and his crew are in "deep preparation" for the film, which is scheduled to be released right on time in 2015.