Patrice Désilets, creator of the "Assassin's Creed" franchise, has released new details on his latest brainchild, "Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey," under Panache Digital Games.

Similar to "Assassin's Creed," "Ancestors" will let players experience historical moments through episodes. The main difference is that in "Ancestors," players will take on the role of human beings throughout various key stages of human evolution where crucial decisions are made.

In an interview with Game Informer, Désilets revealed that the episodes will incorporate around 20 historical events, including "the domestication of animals, creating the first tools, the discovery of penicillin, and putting a man on the moon, among others." 

What's more interesting about "Ancestors" is that when players complete an episode, they are free to wander in an open world environment. They are left to experiment with their newly acquired skill. They are also given the option to pass the knowledge to their progeny. Désilets likened the experience to that of "Day Z" and "Minecraft," but the difference is players will see "triple-A quality environments." 

Although there are a bunch of episodic games in the market today, most of them are story-based. Once players have completed a level, they are immediately directed to the next mission.  "Ancestors" gives gamers a chance to explore.

"We're not reinventing any wheels here," Désilets said. "It's an episodic, narrative-driven game where we leave you there with the toy in between episodes."

Désilets furthered that although bloodshed will inevitably occur in the game, violence will not be its recurrent theme. Instead, the game promises to prioritize discovery, survival instincts, and interactions with the environment.

"Our ancestors back then weren't that violent. They weren't fighting each other. Cooperation and compassion are really part of the reason why we survived...There's no evidence of war before the invention of agriculture on this planet. That doesn't mean they didn't exist, but we've never found any evidence of it. There's not a lot of human beings on the planet, and once you first come across one, your first thought is not of killing them. It's like, 'Holy s- - there's somebody else! Let's try to help each other to survive because there's not a lot of food and there's a lot of beasts out there.'"

"Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey" has no release date yet, but Désilets said that the game will debut on PC and the team is intent on making it available for major gaming consoles as well.

Panache Digital Games is currently developing the thirdperson action-adventure survival game. The gaming studio was formed by Désilets himself, late last year.