When Season 2 of ABC's "Agent Carter" returns the show's heroine will have her hands full with a new villain.

According to /Film, one of the show's executive producers, Tara Butters, revealed that Agent Peggy Carter, played by Hayley Atwell, will have to battle Madame Masque when the new season starts.

However, due to the time period the show is set in, changes had to be made to accommodate the new villain into the storyline.

"Here's the thing. It's a little hard," said Butters. "In the comic books, a lot of the Marvel period, there are issue rights. Our villain from the season is very much a Marvel villain that we co-opted a little bit like we did Dr. Fennhoff in the first season."

So what about the character, the daughter of an infamous crime boss who was romantically linked to Tony Stark, has been changed? Most of the changes are physical.

"I think we've changed the look of her a bit obviously," explained Butters. "We've made her an actress, which is very Hedy [Lamarr]. She was a '40s siren actress who was also a scientific genius, so that's part of what we're mining with this character."

Madame Masque will not be the only villain that Peggy Carter will have to battle in the upcoming season. She'll have to juggle multiple bad guys.

"People who are fans of the Marvel comic-book universe will recognize our villain, and there's more than one villain," Michelle Fazekas, executive producer, told Entertainment Weekly. "We're certainly taking inspiration from the comic-book universe, so anybody who knows that will be rewarded."

Season 2 will see Agent Carter fighting crime in Hollywood and will feature more of James D'Arcy and Enver Gjokaj, who were announced as series regulars.

"Marvel's Agent Carter" Season 2 will premiere on ABC in 2016.