"GTA 5" is perhaps, the best and most immersive open-world game out in the market today. Gamers can literally spend weeks in Los Santos, either for the game's core story or for free-to-roam sandbox mayhem.

Players can do a bunch of cool stuff in the game but that has not stopped some from doing a bit more, not in the game though but rather to the game.

"GTA 5" modders have run rampant and have only been rivaled by "Skyrim" modders. "GTA 5" mods have also been well documented since the game was released on PC. The "Iron-Man Hulkbuster" and "Gravity Gun" mods have collected close to eight hundred thousand views on Youtube.

However, a new mod has taken the Internet by storm but not because of its fun-fair elements but rather, because of its visual realism.

The new mod called "Toddyhancer" was recently posted by Reddit user Toddyftw aka Martin Bergman. He had fully customized the game's visual graphics using home-made software mod. Although he said the mod is still a work in progress, the renders look surprisingly classy and thoroughly detailed. The mod has a noticeable effect on the game's cars, making them glossier and more realistic,

Bergman achieved the feat using ReShade, a common post-processing injector, to add ambient occlusion, depth of field, and color correction. He also utilized the ENBSeries, a tool previously used on "Skyrim," "Oblivion," and "Deus Ex." Bergman then capped off his work with some "simple tweaks and some tonemapping with class!"

Needless to say, fans will probably utilize the mod for the next Rockstar Editor Contest.

PC gamers were the first to have their hands on the Rockstar Editor in April 2015. The video tool made use of filters, camera modes, audio enhancements and depth of field effects to let gamers customize their gameplay content. The output could then be stored, shared, or made to join competitions to win prizes from, as mentioned here.

The tool promotes free advertising for "GTA 5," and it keeps the game relevant for a couple more years.

Viral videos made from the Rockstar Editor on PC range from a parody of the "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" teaser to a remake of the "Batman V Superman" trailer.