In an open letter published on The Huffington Post yesterday, Star Trek's own George Takei blasted the Arizona governor for the passing of anti-gay legislation, and threatened to call for a boycott of the state if the law wasn't overturned. 

Takei, who first shot to fame as Hikaru Sulu in the original Star Trek television series (a role since reprised by John Cho beginning in the 2009 film reboot), has been better known for his campaigning on behalf of gay rights as of late. Known for his acerbic wit and intelligence, the actor -- according to MSNBC News -- began the open letter (entitled "Dear Arizona") with a congratulations "for becoming the first state actually to pass a bill permitting businesses--even those open to the public--to refuse to provide service to LGBT people based on an individual's 'sincerely held religious belief.'"

Takei is referring to the proposed Arizona law known as SB 1062, which has been passed by the Republican-controlled (of course, what else?) Arizona legislature and is now awaiting approval by Gov. Jan Brewer. The law, if passed, would allow businesses to refuse to serve gay and lesbian patrons, would permit businesses to cut wages for its gay and lesbian employees, and even would allow individuals to renege on private deals made between themselves and gay and lesbian people. 

This disgusting law, according to The Huffington Post, has already met with vociferous opposition from other lawmakers, including Arizona Senator John McCain. And, according to Takei, if Brewer passes the law, he will make sure to hit Arizona -- where he and his husband, Brad, live part-time -- right where it hurts: in the pockets. "If your Governor Jan Brewer signs this repugnant bill into law, make no mistake. We will not come. We will not spend. And we will urge everyone we know--from large corporations to small families on vacation--to boycott. Because you don't deserve our dollars. Not one red cent," said Takei.