Apple could make the iPhone 7 even thinner than past versions of the device using a smaller headphone jack. The traditional 3.5 mm headphone jack could be altered in order to help slim down the iPhone, Tech Radar reports.

Apple already has the patent to shrink the headphone jack down to 2 mm. They are calling this new jack the "D jack," and it could appear in the iPhone 7, which is expected to debut in 2016.

A 2 mm, the D jack would prevent traditional headphones from working without an adapter. This means iPhone 7 owners would all have to buy new headphones when they purchase the newest device.

The iPhone 7 will likely be a major redesign of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s, so it is very possible that Apple wants this phone to be even thinner.

When Apple fans were waiting for the iPhone 6 to be released, it was thought that Beats headphones would have an exclusive adapter, which would allow them to connect to the lightning port. This did not happen, but it is possible that Beats headphones could be compatible with this new D jack if it is introduced.

Though Apple is only now releasing news of the patent, they filed for it back in 2011. If Apple is going to use the patent for the iPhone 7, it is likely they have been working on the technology over the past few years.

Apple has kept its battery small in recent iPhones, and the brand new A9 chip is smaller and more efficient than previous processors. These features, in addition to a smaller headphone jack, are ways to keep the iPhone as thin as possible.

The new iPhone 6s includes 3D Touch, which required a new design for the screen of the device. As Apple continues to work with 3D Touch, they can test ways to make the screen and body of the device smaller for future iPhones.