A new poll informs that celebrity real estate magnate tuned politician, Donald Trump, and Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon whose life story was the basis of 2009 TV movie starring Cuba Gooding Jr., are essentially tied for the top GOP spot.

The survey, conducted by NBC News/Wall Street Journal, reveals that in the Republican primary race, Trump has 21 percent of the Republican primary voters, while Carson is right behind with 20 percent.

As the race for the lead conservative presidential candidate narrows it a perfect time to look at where Trump stands on some key issues.

Immigration Reform

Trump’s inflammatory words about immigrants and Mexico, in particular, have obscured his blunt plans for immigration reform. 

The 2016 candidate has, of course, made it clear that he wants a border wall and that he wants Mexico to pay for this wall, but his positions on immigration reveal several drastic approaches, including a nationwide e-verify, a defunding of sanctuary cities, and an end to birthright citizenship.

Same-Sex Marriage

Regarding gay marriage, Trump says that his views are evolving.

Huffington Post reports that as recently as 2013 in an interview with Howard Stern, Trump said, "It's never been an argument that's been discussed with me very much. People know that it's not my thing one way or the other."


Speaking to FOX Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo, Trump took issue with Obamacare from a business point of view, saying, “The numbers are catastrophic for this country in terms of what it is going to cost," adding, “You [have to] get hit by a Komatsu tractor in order to use it.”

Gun Laws

Trump is all for protecting the second amendment, but has a list of precautions to take while advocating for the right to bear arms, including an enforcement of the laws that are currently on the books and fixing what he has called a broken mental health system.

Trump feels that gun and magazine bans are a total failure.


While in the past, Trump has voiced a pro-choice position on abortion, recent comments made by the candidate reveal that he is against state funding for the procedure.

CNN reports that Trump recently called Planned Parenthood an "abortion factory" that should not be funded by the government.