Imagine what it would be like to see someone come back to life three decades later.

In a nutshell, this is what you'll see if you decide to tune into ABC on Sunday evenings to watch the new hit series Resurrection. The show, which features House star Omar Epps, revolves around a boy who had died several decades ago but mysteriously reappears. How this happened or why it happened remains a mystery for viewers.

The first episode serves as an extended trailer of sorts. Heading into it, we understood the foundation of the show --nbut not much more -- and the first episode on Sunday night was a perfect introduction. As it captured the audience, it tied together emotion with drama and presented enough hints for us to foreshadow without drawing too many conclusions.

"I'd have to say it's a lukewarm look at grief," Matt Fowler said in a review for IGN. "It manages to hold your attention for the first act, leading right up to the point where Immigration Agent Marty Bellamy (Omar Epps) walks up the steps of Henry (Kurtwood Smith) and Lucille (Frances Fisher) Langston's quaint Missouri home and shows them a boy who may or may not be their long-deceased son, Jacob. Who hasn't aged a day since his death."

Viewers should be careful not to confuse the show with another one, Returned, that has a similar storyline. Of course, these are similar shows but in order to see some variety we should expect a completely different turnout in this one than we did in the last.

Did you get a chance to catch the first episode? If so, were you impressed or were you so disappointed that you decided to turn it off halfway through?Let us know what you think so far in the comments section below.