Fans of "American Horror Story" were quite pleased to see the Season 5 debut of "AHS" alum Evan Peters in Episode 2, but Leonardo DiCaprio is likely less pleased to see Peters beat him to the role DiCaprio had hoped to play soon.

According to Vanity Fair, Peters plays an architect and mad man who built the Hotel Cortez. His character was modeled after the infamous serial killer H.H. Holmes, who built a hotel in the late 19th century during the Chicago World's Fair. Holmes used the hotel as a torture and murder chamber for unsuspecting victims attending the world event.

Some critics claim Peters' character so closely resembles the real life Holmes that he could almost be mistaken for the same person. Peters' character even had torture chambers built so that he could carry out similar deeds at the Hotel Cortez.

Meanwhile, DiCaprio and legendary director Martin Scorsese recently optioned the rights to portray the best selling novel "The Devil in the White City," which covers the events at the World's Fair in Chicago and the infamous exploits carried out by Holmes.

DiCaprio is set to play the role of Holmes in the film, but fans of "AHS" are already getting a glimpse of the character via their favorite troupe actors on the horror anthology series.

According to Entertainment Weekly, the role is a little out of character for Peters. Creator Ryan Murphy spoke about the issue with EW.

"That's something Evan and I spent time on," Murphy told EW. "He was off shooting 'X-Men' and I called him and I said, 'I want you to do something very different than you've ever done and I want you to be the villain.' And he jumped out of his skin with joy."