Crazy Christmas Traditions: Ugly Sweater, Surfing, and Killing Children

Santa Claus surprises beachgoers, by arriving on a surfboard!

Top 10 Christmas Songs List for 2013: Which Holiday Classics Are The Best?

Music fans have a wide variety of tunes to listen to this Holiday season as artists look to spread the holiday cheer

Christmas Gifts 2013: Best Toys for Kids this Season

Christmas is the most anticipated time of the year especially for kids who look forward to receiving toys as gifts. In one way or another, almost every person needs a guide to the best toys for kids this coming 2013 Christmas season.

Best Songs for 2013: Top 10 Tunes That Made Waves this Year

With the start of many best of 2013 articles, it is sure to also stumble upon a list that features the best songs for 2013. Websites like Huffington Post, MTV and Time came up with the ones who are deserving enough to be included in the top 10 since almost each month of this year was filled with memorable hits to make a mark in music history.

Misa de Gallo & La Cena de Nochebuena: Latino Christmas Eve Celebrations

Nochebuena (“the Good Night”), more frequently called Christmas Eve, is a night of celebration within Latino households. While most Americans sit in anticipation of Christmas day, Latino celebrate early, gathering family and friends for a big dinner; an evening that also has plenty of music and gifts. Misa de Gallo (Midnight Mass) occurs on the eve of Christmas to commemorate the birth of Jesus, which took place at midnight. Many mass-goers attend service with a baby Jesus figurine so that it can be blessed before placing it back in their nativity.

Traditional Guatemalan Devil Burning: Locals Make Effigies for Christmas

Every year on the night of December 7th Guatemalans gather around a bonfire to burn the devils in a ritual to kick off the Christmas season. The tradition is a symbol of purification and has been practiced in the Central American country since the arrival of Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century.

Colombian Aguardiente, the Festive 'Fire Water' that Could Burn a Hole Right Through Your Navidad

Ever wonder what it might be like to be a fire-breathing dragon? Well if you take a shot of Colombian aguardiente, otherwise known as "fire water," you'll be sure to find out. It's holiday season and chances are if you're Colombian, or if you know someone who is, you may have had the fiery 'pleasure' of taking a shot of Colombia's distinctive liquor, aguardiente, a clear, anise-flavored liquid made of processed sugarcane that practically burns a hole right through you.

Christmas Movies 2013: Top 8 Films to See This December

December is not just about the Christmas season but also a huge month for new movies to catch. If you plan to visit the theaters on Christmas day, then here are top 8 movies you cannot afford to miss to help light up your holidays.

Holiday Films Where Latinos Take the Lead

Christmas and the holiday season are important to Latinos, traditionally and culturally, and that being so, it's amazing to see Latinos on screen, portraying interesting and intelligent characters in films about the season. While there needs to be more seasonal films where Latinos are the lead, there are a number of films that Latinos can refer to when they want to see themselves represented on screen.

Christmas Gifts 2013: Best Gadgets to Arrive this Season

With Christmas coming up a couple of weeks from now, many are probably considering to give gadgets as the best Christmas gifts for 2013. From tablets, headphones, smartphones, laptops and gaming consoles, you just won’t run out of Christmas gift ideas to think of.

Best Gift Ideas for All of the Men in Your Life

Did you know that even the most perfect gentleman loves receiving gifts? Now that the Christmas holiday season is soon to happen, then it is about time that you grab yourself a guide list which you can refer to help you get the best Christmas present for your dad, husband, boyfriend or brother.

La Casa Norte Homeless Shelter Provides Assistance for Latino Youth

Young people sleep under bridges, using boxes as blankets, and their bodies as currency. It isn't the way that Latinos want to see their youth.

Pernil al Horno: Holiday Centerpiece in Puerto Rican Households

Puerto Rican dishes are gathered, like the family seated around them. There's quick chatter and side conversation. The food smells delicious, and it tastes better. Some say that it's all about the adobo, but a number of the other Puerto Rican home-style cooks say that it's about the sofrito, sometimes called sazon. Eventually, someone exclaims, "And, any Puerto Rican will tell you when it comes to good adobe or sofrito, it CANNOT be store-bought."
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