Trump’s Job Approval Still at 52 Percent, Recent Poll Reported

Trump's Job Approval Remains Unwavering at 52 Percent, Recent Poll Reported

U.S. President Donald Trump has continued to earn support as shown in the recent poll showing his job approval rate at a steady 52 percent.
Republican National Convention: Day Four

Gallup Poll: Trump Job Approval at 42%, Rises 4% from June

President Donald Trump now has a 42 percent job approval as commander in chief, a slight increase from his job approval rating of 38 percent in June.

Poll: Americans Unhappy With President Obama And His Administration’s Handling Of Issues They Deem Top Priority For 2014

According to a recent poll the majority of American voters say they are unhappy with how the president is handling what they believe are the highest priority issues facing the country. However, if Obama can rearrange his priorities and fix the current situation in a few key areas pollsters say his approval ratings may increase for 2014.
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