
iPhone 5s

Will iOS 7 Jailbreakers Have to Wait Until 2014?

iOS 7 users are waiting for the elusive jailbreak release date but it appears that we might be waiting until 2014.
XBox One

What Stores Have Black Friday Deals on the Xbox One?

The Xbox One is the hot new craze this Holiday Season. Its official release date is Nov. 22. That means your son, brother, nephew and boyfriend all want you to buy it for them!

Grand Theft Auto 5 Available on PC in Early 2014?

Those who are hoping to play Grand Theft Auto 5 on their PC may be in luck, but not until the first quarter of 2014.
gta online

GTA 5 Gamers Speculate About Upcoming Online Updates

Last week, Rockstar Games released its Beach Bum DLC update and also teased some new additions to Grand Theft Auto Online. Bloggers and gamers are now speculating as to what these updates may be.
PS4 box

Sony Troubleshoots PS4 Blinking Blue Light Issue Plaguing Release

Sony released its newest video game system, the PlayStation 4 on Nov. 15, but a pesky blue light has many gamers upset.

Sony Sells 1 Million PlayStation 4 Units in One Day, But Does That Guarantee Console's Success?

Sony Computer Entertainment released the PlayStation 4, its newest video game console, on Nov. 15th and sold one million systems in just 24 hours.

Xbox One Boasts 13 Second Boot Time, Voice Commands

Microsoft's newest video game console, the Xbox One, will be released Nov. 22. In preparation for the big day, an Xbox Live executive recently detailed why the Xbox One is more than just a game console.

Sony Sells 1 Million PlayStation 4 Consoles Despite Complaints, Tech Problems

Although Sony was plagued by network problems and complaints during its Playstation 4 launch weekend, the company still managed to sell more than 1 million units in the United States

PlayStation 4 Consoles In Stock, But Few Big Black Friday Discounts Expected

Gamers & tech-nerds looking for deals on the much-coveted PS4 are going to have to wait a little longer than the day after Thanksgiving to get any significant discounts...if they can get the PS4 at all.
iPhone 6 release

iPhone 6 Rumors: New Concept Ended Up As A Moto G Copycat?

Many were elated to have discovered a new iPhone 6 concept emerging online; however it reminded most of the custom feature of the Moto G. Will it turn out as a mere copycat?

PS4 Gamers Experience Network Overload on PSN

The Playstation 4 is so popular in its first 24 hours on the market that the Playstation Network is already facing problems due to an overload of gamers
iPhone 5C

Apple Cuts Production on iPhone 5c by 75 Percent

Production on Apple's low-budget smartphone, the iPhone 5c, is being reduced even further.

'Game with Gold' Coming to Xbox Live on Next-Gen Console

Gamers who get their hands on Microsoft's new Xbox One will eventually be able to get free games via the Game with Gold program.
Grand Theft Auto Online

Gamers Can Now Buy GTA 5 Online Cash with Real Money

Gamers will now be able to spend their real money in the online world of Los Santos, courtesy of Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto Online.
PS4 box

Find a PlayStation 4 Near You WIthout a Pre-Order or Going to Crowded Stores

Sony released their new video game console, the PlayStation 4, on Friday. If you weren't enough of a diehard gamer to attend a midnight launch event and be one of the first to get a PS4, here's how to figure out where to get one with the least amount of effort.
iOS 7

Developer Provides iOS 7.0.4 Jailbreak Update

Evad3rs member MuscleNerd tweeted on Thursday with an update for those who are holding out for the next jailbreak release.

Despite PS4 Release and Fake Torrent, Still No Timetable for GTA 5 on Other Platforms

When will Grand Theft Auto 5 be available on PCs and other gaming platforms?
iPhone 5s

Gold iPhone 5s Where to Buy: Limited Apple Phone, Selling like Hotcakes

Many doubt whether the news that the gold iPhone 5s is having a shortage is real or just made up. In fact, according to the Christian Science Monitor, only eBay has the latest model in stock; it's already sold out in other places.

Xbox One Black Friday Deals 2013: Biggest Discounts on the Next Gen Console

One of the most anticipated items to hit stores this Black Friday 2013 is the Xbox One. With its looming release date this month and the annual Thanksgiving weekend sale in the horizon, many shoppers are hoping to bag a great deal for Xbox One.

Snapchat to Facebook: Oh Snap! Thanks but No Thanks, We're Not Selling!

Facebook may want social media-domination, but they need to keep teens interested and engaged to do so. When the world's largest social network noticed that teens' usage is on the decline, and the increasingly popular messaging service, Snapchat, is on the rise, they had to act snappy and make an enticing offer.
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