Some of those who celebrated thanksgiving are fillling up on turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie that is absolutely the main course of the celebration. By late afternoon, many people  are fully submerged into "food coma,"  having a catnap in front of the TV with the immovable body for the rest of the day. This phenomenon is commonly known as a "food coma."  

Research suggests a standard consumable of American that should intake more than 4,500 calories and 229 grams of fat during a typical holiday. According to Calorie Control Council, a single meal in thanksgiving contain around 3,000 calories and 1, 500 calories in celebratory drinks, downing appetizers before and after the big meal. They added that the 2 1/4 average daily calorie intake and 3 1/2 times the fat is equal to three sticks of butter that a normal person should consume enough fat  in thanksgiving.

Turkey is a native bird to Americas that was commonly set in the table during the thanksgiving day and they believe that this main course was the reason of might illness.  The thanksgiving bird contains an amino acid that is a constituent of most proteins called tryptophan. It is an extremely important nutrient in the diet of vertebrates which is related to post-meal fatigue, for it can boost the production of hormones that compelled when to sleep, according to Medical News Today.

Researcher advocates the speculation about the theory is a myth, telling that much other food like egg, chicken,fish, and yogurt contained same amount or higher levels of tryptophan. A new study says that the other possible causes of "food coma" was protein and salt, according to researchers from The Scripps Research Institute in Florida that has been published in the journal eLife. This kind of food is not responsible for consumer's health but the one who intake it was more responsible to herself.