Nintendo Switch got more traffic by the end of 2016 and is still getting more due to the possibility of having loads of Unreal Engine 4 games. Another factor here is its affordability as certain versions are likely to fall under $300.

Nintendo is considered lucky enough to have the Switch backed by third party publishers and developers. According to Gaming Bolt, Epic Games, being one of these third parties, confirmed it would support Unreal Engine 4.

Epic Games Japan's territory manager, Takayuki Kawasaki, said that Unreal Engine 4 game titles will be coming on the new Switch. As Nintendo Everything reported, the interview was published via Social VR Info.

This means that both the casual gamers and especially the core gamers will definitely love Nintendo Switch. This is said to be a big hit for casual gamers who love easy to play and quick games on the go. Core gamers would surely love the Unreal Engine 4's more high-end properties. Both of these types of gamers are available on the Switch powerful gaming features and capabilities.

Some of the top-listed Unreal Engine 4 games to be released on the new Nintendo Switch are Assassin's Creed Empire, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Dragon Quest XI and many more related Japanese game titles. Other UE 4game titles that are speculated and even prayed by gamers to be made available on the Switch are Square Enix and Kingdom Hearts 3.

Nintendo stores great loads of surprises for everyone on its special event on January 12th. It is when the Switch's final release date will be announced.

Its release on March 2017 is expected to boost not only Nintendo's sales and popularity but even its revenues too. Kawasaki's message indicates that this possible powerful boost is even a clear sign of the Japanese game industry revival.