Despite their respective nominations this year, Drake and Kanye West will boycott the Grammy Awards ceremonies. Drake said that he will be on a European tour while Kanye West is complaining about the lack of diversity and not being pitted against any white singer. On the other hand, Justin Bieber is not attending the awards night because of some other reason. He thinks that the Grammy's is not as relevant to young singers any more.

Spin reports that the Canadian singer is just plain bratty. And while his boycott makes him the same as Frank Ocean who purposely did not submit his "Blonde" album his opinion for consideration, his reason could still be very obnoxious claims online followers. Meanwhile, Ocean said that "It just doesn't seem to be representing very well for people who come from where I come from and hold down what I hold down." Was this similar to the "Boyfriend" singer's plight?

The "Sorry" singer has been very popular from 2009 but has never really received any acclaim save for his singles like "What Do You Mean" and "Where Are U Now." Moreover, everyone still thinks he has not shed his immature, bad boy image. He has the means to turn heads considering he is a great vocalist but still everyone still thinks he is an amateur.

Justin Bieber is getting four nominations this year, says The Guardian. Last year he got a number of nominations for "Purpose" including the highly coveted Song and Album of the year. But chances are he could be defeated by Beyonce or Adele who are getting more attention from an award-giving body made up of an older, white voting population.

Furthermore, there have been ongoing rumors that the Grammys apparently get their choices wrong; and these are consistently being complained by fans year after year. Looking and sounding like Justin Bieber could earn an artist a Grammy but being annoying and bratty definitely won't.