In 2014, the greater part of the population infected in West Africa got wiped out through contact with the disease called Ebola. Though Typhoid Mary was the most superspreader, which has infected 51 individuals, and three of whom passed in the vicinity of 1900 and 1907.

As indicated by the findings published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers are now studying how Ebola spread during the 2014-2015 epidemic in West Africa and said that the superspreaders assumed a greater part than was previously known. Researchers said, in the event that 'superspreading' had been totally controlled, just about 66 percent of the contaminations may have been avoided, according to The Washington Post report.

The review in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows such superspreaders can be extremely risky with regards to infectious disease outbreaks. It has more than 28,000 confirmed, probable and associated cases with Ebola were accounted for in West Africa during the outbreak, including more than 11,000 deaths, as indicated by the World Health Organization.

Yahoo News reported that according to Benjamin Dalziel, an assistant professor in College of Science at Oregon State University, it was the cases that did not see what truly drove the plague, especially individuals who died at home, without seeking health care. He added that there was not a considerable measure of transmission once individuals reached hospitals and care centers.

By utilizing a mathematical method, the researchers reproduced the transmission system to perceive what extent of cases were brought about by superspreaders. The researchers estimated about three percent of individual infected were ultimately in charge of contaminating about 61 percent of cases.

Ebola spreads basically through contact with bodily fluids. During the epidemic, superspreaders were referred to in various news stories about Ebola's spread. Frequently, transmission happened during caregiving at home and during burial services, washing and touching the dead bodies in particular.