Daylight saving time triggers the way of springtime, but the reason for pushing forward one hour from the original time in winter has dated back a long time ago. History speaks that DST started in World War I as a way to conserve energy by decreasing the consumption of light by extending daylight time. With the start of Daylight Saving Time at 2 a.m. on March 12, there are still unavoidable advantages and disadvantages attached to it.

It is frustrating enough that even though the process has been there for almost a century, many can't still get the hang of it until now. According to reports from FOX21News, road accidents usually increase by 6 percent for the first six days of Daylight Saving Time, due to lack of sleep. With the adjustment of one hour, lack of sleep which is the same as a jetlag has been a common reason for this untoward events.

While others feel that Daylight Saving Time only brings trouble, retail owners and entrepreneurs use this as an advantage to their business. Based on a report from Christian Science Monitor a study was done to places that observe DST against one that doesn't base on the frequency of spending and shopping. And because of the extra hours of light at night, people felt encouraged to go out and shop while the sun is still up.

Despite certain reactions towards Daylight Saving Time, only an act of Congress can change, abolish or extend this process which has been there for a long time. It is best to make the most of it every time it occurs and be mindful of its disadvantages in order to be prepared and focused. It is also a good time to spend an hour more of quality time with family and friends as it also decreases daytime work.