Newly-engaged rapper Iggy Azalea took to Twitter to confirm that her Great Escape tour has been cancelled.

The good news is, Azalea will still be performing in several events as scheduled.

The music artist, known for her hit songs "Trouble" and "Fancy," further explained why she decided to cancel the tour, in an interview with Seventeen magazine. The Australian artist's engagement to Los Angeles Lakers player Nick Young was definitely not the reason. Instead, it was her "creative change of heart."

"I want to start totally anew, and if I stayed on my tour, that would mean I wouldn't even be able to start working on that until after Christmas," Azalea told Seventeen.

The singer admitted that she needs to take a break from her demanding schedule. Azalea has been an in-demand artist, and her efforts have already been recognized by award-giving bodies.

"I've been going non-stop for the past two years, nearly every single day. I'm not in a bad place. I think sometimes when you say you need a mental break, people are like, 'A mental break? Be sure you don't have a breakdown because you're sad.' No, not necessarily," the singer-songwriter shared.

Azalea said her fans deserve more, and she wants to be inspired to create new music.

"I need a break to figure out what I want my sound to progress to, and I need a break to figure out how I want my visuals to progress...I am a musician and a creative person and I want to be able to perform new stuff and do new things. I feel like I'm at the end of an era now. To go on a tour in late September and to stay in that mindset of what I'd envisioned for that tour, I feel like that would stifle me," she added.

Perhaps, the singer will find the inspiration she needs after being engaged to Young. Jason Arasheben, CEO of Jason of Beverly Hills told Entertainment Tonight that the basketball player helped design the precious $500,000 engagement ring.