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Latino US migrants are earning a better living compared to their previous lifestyle in their originating country. Some are leading a prosperous career that they are passionate about.

Some Latino US migrants had found their way unto establishing a successful business in the United States of America after leaving their originating countries. Their businesses are growing faster than ever and actively participating in a highly competitive environment.

According to a study conducted by Biz2Credit, the average income of businesses like restaurants, retail shops, and construction supplies providers owned by Latin US migrants had reached 46.5% in the previous year. This had exceeded the growth of the revenue being earned by non-Latinos doing business in the US by twelve percent.

California, Texas, and New York are the top three states in the United States of America that contains the most number of Latino-owned small companies. It had contributed to the national business growth in the country. This showcases the increasing population of the Hispanic population in the US.

According to a Dominican native who manages a successful restaurant, the business is becoming gradually busier than ever. The success of the business is causing the owner to consider expanding his restaurant business. He currently operates with 15 staff.

The increase in loan access and approvals from the Small Business Administration and other lenders had greatly contributed to the success of Latino-owned businesses all over the country.

Most performers in the Latino business industry had enjoyed the benefits of their exemption from the negative effects of tariff wars. Tariff wars are greatly affecting the profitability of manufacturing and other big-scale businesses in the country.

Some analyst also points their fingers to the increasing population of the Latino community in the US as the main cause of the success of many small Latino-owned companies.

Based on a report released by Biz2Credit, the average revenue of Latino-owned small businesses will grow to $479,413 in 2019.

Despite the decrease of the Latino population's credit score in the United States of America from 594 in 2017 to 588 in 2018, there had been news that credit applications by Latino-owned businesses had still increased by 23%.

As more and more Latinos are entering the United States of America, more and more Latino US migrant-owned businesses that target Latin populations are increasing and improving their operations through the help of loans from various sources. Some spend their loaned money to buy real properties for commercial purposes and to update their store equipment to improve the workflow and processes in the business.

Most Latino US migrant-owned businesses apply for microloans to regional and community banking institutions. These loans may total to a maximum of $ 50,000.

According to the CEO of Biz2Credit, based on their study on 3,000 Latino US migrant-owned businesses on a national scale, the number of businesses being managed by the Latin population is close to that of the national total.

According to some demographic predictors, Latin communities are expected to grow to 30 percent of the entire country's population by the year 2050.