Stimulus check 2 went through a lot, yet there has been no agreement between the Republican and Democratic lawmakers. For many proposals that the lawmakers took down, this one amount was proposed for the second round of stimulus checks-the $4,000 COVID-19 relief package for a family of four offered by the Republican senators. The question is, is it still possible to get the $4,000 check?

Since the proposal was never voted down, eligible Americans could get a $4,000 stimulus check, as per Heavy. But, it's less likely that the second round of stimulus checks will pass Congress at all. If it does, it could be in smaller amounts, which is $1,200 for each individual with $3,400 for a family of four. 

Meanwhile, Democratic senators proposed for $2,000 monthly stimulus checks until three months after the COVID-19 pandemic ended. But that is not likely to happen as it was proposed by Democrats including Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's vice presidential running mate. 

(Photo : Katie Harp)
Stimulus Check 2: Is It Possible to Receive $4,000 Check?

The amount of the second round of stimulus checks should make it through the Republican-controlled Senate. Republicans put forth a streamlined plan called "skinny bill." This bill does not include the second round of stimulus checks. Then the Democrats voted down the skinny bill and called it an "emaciated bill" that won't do enough for local and state governments. 

On Fox News Sunday,  the U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said, "Let's not hold up the American workers and American businesses that need more support." Republicans blame Democrats and say, "The speaker has refused to sit down and negotiate unless we agree to something like a $2.5 trillion deal in advance,"

On the other hand, Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker, told USA Today that Senate Republicans appear dead-set on another bill that does not come close to addressing the country's problems as the Democrats scramble to make up for the historic mistake. Pelosi added that the "emaciated bill" is intended only to help the vulnerable Republican Senators. Giving a "check the box" vote to maintain the appearance that the Republican Senate is not held hostage by the extreme right-wing who doesn't want to spend a nickel to help people. 

Here's the background on what's been going on

Republicans and Democrats in Congress have not agreed on a second round of stimulus relief plan. The negotiations kept ongoing, but those observed broke down into a war of words. President Trump is on the record of supporting the second stimulus checks, but the U.S. Constitution grants authority to Congress on spending issues. 

Both sides repeatedly voiced their support for getting the discussion done. However, both parties folded into larger plans, and neither side agreed to the overall price tag, with the local and state aid. Republicans and Democrats proposed their plans, which include $1,200 stimulus checks that follow the same guidelines as the first proposed plan passed. That's why the $4,000 stimulus check is not likely to happen as the compromise plan didn't make the Republicans' official stance that would give a family of four $600 less.

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