"Winds of Winter," the sixth installment of the popular George R.R. Martin's book saga "A Song of Ice and Fire," may focus on how Daenerys will bring fire and blood to Westeros through war.

Daenerys, the "Mother of Dragons," may start another civil war that will lead to several deaths, suggested IDigital Times. The captivating female ruler and one of the last confirmed members of House Targaryen, may bring forth war and bloodbath, and with the presence of her loyal dragons and army, it's not impossible to imagine. Dany may use all her resources to make Westeros hers. Will she really sacrifice a lot of innocent lives for her goal?

Yet, it may really what could go on in the books as TV actress Emilia Clarke hinted that her character on HBO's "Game of Thrones," which is adapted from Martin's saga, is set to have several challenges ahead of her in the next episodes. However, Clarke is optimistic that Dany will attain her ultimate dream of winning it all.

"What I would hope for Dany is that she wins the whole d*mn thing. That she wins, and she wins all of it -- and she wins. That's what I think is going to happen!" Clarke told Entertainment Tonight.

Still, it's too early to tell because Clarke herself hinted that Season 7 may be released in two installments, meaning the show will run an eighth season.

"I'm all about leaving the party when it's still kicking. So I think that maybe [season] seven will get split into two, or maybe it will just be straight to eight," the 29-year-old actress shared.

Will victory be really for Dany?

Although Clarke wishes the best for her beloved character, Dany may not get the happy ending she wants for herself.

There's another theory that in the end, there will just be an empty iron throne with no ruler sitting on it. Finn Jones, who portrays Loras Tyrell on "Game of Thrones," believes that this is what lies ahead, per another report from IDigitalTimes.

Jones also thinks that a "great war" between the Ice and Fire factions will destroy both of them and will create great damage in Westeros. Thus, it will "dissolve the Iron Throne because it has Valyrian Steel." Jones also feels tragedy and massive deaths will be expected, but characters Bran, Brienne and Tyrion will be the ones to "bring peace back to the realm."

Will Jones' theory start to unveil in "Winds of Winter?" Will the "great war" start soon?