Microtransaction is the new thing and "Call of Duty: Black Ops III" is riding the trend.

According to Attack of the Fan Boy, the Call of Duty points are the latest from Activision and are being introduced as the new form of currency for its microtransaction feature. The Call of Duty points can be used by players in the PvP and Cooperative modes of the game. The said points will soon be available for purchase, but right now, fans can first enjoy the free points given by Activision. The free points are only available for a limited time and given only to players who log in to their Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.


PlayStation Life reports that there are various new weapons such as calling cards, taunts and variants in the Black Market and the Call of Duty points can be used to purchase these items. These new weapons will be delivered through the Supply Drops of the game. Take note that these weapons are absolutely obtainable by completing challenges and playing for it, but Treyarch and Activision have also given the easier option of faster ownership via microtransaction. Their statement on PlayStation Life said, "For fans who want to secure additional Supply Drops in multiplayer or Vials of Liquid Divinium in zombies, we're introducing Call of Duty points."

Using Call of Duty points through microtransactions is optional and the virtual currency is not the only thing that can give players the advantage of acquiring Rare Supply Drops.

"Items contained in Supply Drops and Gobblegums remain the same, regardless of whether they’re unlocked with Cryptokeys, Vials of Liquid Divinium, or Call of Duty Points. Additionally, Call of Duty Points can be used for other in-game content, such as the Extra Slots pack," Activision said per PlayStation Lifestyle.

Activision also released a price list of Call of Duty points, which are as follows: 200 VC Pack for £1.60/€1.99, 1100 VC Pack for £7.99/€9.99, 2400 VC Pack for £15.99/€19.99 and 5000 VC Pack for £31.99/€39.99.

Also, for a limited time, "Call of Duty: Black Ops III" will reward fans 200 points, so make sure to access the game now.

What do you think of this new virtual currency that Activision has launched? Are you in favor of the microtransaction feature as a way of acquiring in-game stuff? Share your comments below!