Michael Moore posted a video response to Destiny Vélez, the recently suspended Miss Puerto Rico who took to Twitter to criticize the filmmaker for holding up a sign outside of Trump Tower that read, “We Are All Muslims.”

The director of “Bowling for Columbine” and “Fahrenheit 9/11” used his trademark sarcasm to address the anti-Muslim comments made by the 20-year-old beauty pageant winner, who also questioned the loyalty of Muslims in the U.S. military and instructed followers of the Islamic faith to remove their headscarves.

In the video response, Moore thanked the Miss Puerto Rico organizers for their decision to suspend Vélez, and noted that she seemed both talented and healthy.

“Miss Puerto Rico seems like a wonderful representative of maybe not of Puerto Rico but of Alabama, maybe? Mississippi, maybe?” Moore said, before praising the U.S. for twice electing a president with the middle name “Hussein.”

As previously reported, the Miss Puerto Rico Organization released a statement in which they made it clear that Vélez's comments did not represent their program.

"The Miss Puerto Rico Organization will not tolerate any actions or behavior contrary to the Miss Puerto Rico Organization," the statement read.

Michael Moore’s sign at the demonstration against Trump was inspired by the candidate's call for a ban on all Muslims entering the country.

The last time Trump’s political agenda was mentioned by a beauty pageant winner was in September, when Meg McGuffin, Miss Alabama, was asked to explain the appeal of the real estate magnate turned presidential hopeful.

As quoted in the Daily Mail, McGuffin said, “I think Donald Trump is an entertainer and I think he says what's on a lot of people's minds.”