Helen Lopez Roblero, a former beauty queen of Guatemala was shot dead in a tragic incident just before Christmas. She and her friends -- a woman and two men -- were enjoying a car ride when suddenly a gun yielding man opened fire on them on Dec. 17.

Local media outlet Clarin reported that Roblero and her three friends were in Malacatan, Guatemala when their white car was suddenly shot at. The exact location of the crime was in Carmen Fronteta -- a southwestern town of Malacatan where the border between Mexico and Guatemala lies.

One newspaper publisher was able to obtain a video that shows the aftermath of the senseless and brutal attack. The footage was also circulated online and witnesses recounted that the former beauty queen was still alive when the scene was being filmed. At one point, the bloodied Roblero pleaded for help but she passed away after a few moments.

She was still brought to the hospital but was declared dead on arrival due to multiple gunshot wounds. The clip also showed that the two other fatalities, who were later identified as Alicia Carias and Edwin Esturban, instantly died on the scene. The only person who survived the attack was Jose Lopez Castañon.

According to Dunya News, the Guatemalan police launched the search for the killers. The investigators also theorized that the attack was an organized crime where the victims were pelted with bullets from an automatic gun. They are pointing at the narcos as the possible culprit for the gruesome crime.

Moreover, even if the hunt started over a week ago, no suspects were being apprehended as of this time. But the police are focusing on drug gangs in the city since they were accounted for a number of cruel law-breaking in the Central American country.

Guatemala is classified as a region with very high crime rate. Its streets are always littered by thugs so robberies and killings are almost a common thing. It is situated in the known violent zone called "Northern Triangle." El Salvador and Honduras also sit close by this area and they are rife with violence as well.

Meanwhile Helen Lopez Roblero won the beauty pageant competition in Malacatan, Guatemala three years ago. She is the second beauty queen to be brutally killed in the Latin region. In November 2014, Miss Hoduras Maria Jose Alvaro was also shot by her sister's boyfriend when she tried to shield her older sibling from the gunfire.