Democrat presidential candidate Martin O'Malley remains dead third in the polls, but according to Iowan Spanish-language newspaper, he's actually the candidate that Latinos want and not Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

In an article written by Matt Vasilogambros, he said that the Latino activists in Iowa have felt left out and forgotten in the race for votes. He said that the Latino activists also complained that neither Hillary Clinton nor Sanders paid them enough attention, for them to feel that they matter.

That's why according to them, "Martin O'Malley es el candidato más pro latino y pro inmigrante en la historia de este país. Se merece nuestro apoyo, y este periódico, se lo brinda orgullosamente." which roughly translated says that, Martin O'Malley is the only candidate that is consistently pro-immigrant and he deserves the Latinos full support.

With just days away from the Iowa primaries, the O'Malley campaign needs all the support it can get and, fortunately, it's coming from the Latin American voters.

Just the other day, Karina Alvarez, a columnist for The Des Moines Register, voiced her support and announced that she is switching her vote from Sanders to O'Malley.

According to Alvarez, when she first heard of the three candidates running for the Democratic nomination, she did not think much and just chose to support Sanders because he made the most noise, roused the crowd and advocated revolution.

But after doing some research, she then found out that Sanders words are not backed by actions and noted that the Vermont senator did two things that is detrimental to the immigrant struggle.

She noted that Sanders voted against the comprehensive immigration reform and then went to say that immigrants take jobs from the average Americans.

Secondly, the self-proclaimed socialist-democrat voted to protect the Minutemen on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Unlike him, she thinks that O'Malley has a proven track record to show that he consistently cares for immigrants, particularly undocumented Latin Americans. She noted that the former Maryland governor made moves like providing driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants and passed the Maryland DREAM Act.

Unfortunately, all of these new found support is barely making a dent in the polls and may be coming a little bit late. The primary elections are just a week away and O'Malley failed to get even a double digit number.

Latino Rebels asked O'Malley's director of Hispanic media, Jose Aristimuño and said that he thinks the main reason they are polling dead last in the polls is because they lack what they call "Hispandering" -- a pormantue of the words "Hispanic" and "Pandering."

However, he maintained that the polls are not telling the whole story and still thinks they still have hopes to win the Democratic nomination.