The male birth control shot is effective as the female pill. Among 266 men who is receiving the treatment, only four pregnancies occurred, which is an effectiveness rate compared  to other contraceptives being used based on the new international clinical trial. It showed that it can prevent pregnancy because an inject can suppress sperm counts.

Dr. Mario Festin is a medical officer in the department of reproductive health and research at the World Health Organization said that it is possible to have a male hormonal contraceptive and that they continue investigating and searching the right combinations and the right drugs, with least side effects but have high efficacy, acceptability, and safety.

According to Richard Anderson, a professor of clinical reproductive science said that, If comparing to other reversible male methods, it is far better that n the condom and it puts the same ballpark as the pill. The use of injections is to lessen the production of the highly concentrated testosterone that needed to create sperm but there is a side effect in testosterone shot like mood swing, depression and increased libido which caused 20 men to drop out the study and stop the trial earlier than it was planned.

The trial aimed to limit the side effects and increase the effectiveness of the jab by combining testosterone with another sex hormone, the Progesterone. Festin said that the additional of another hormone, usually a progestin helps the increase of suppression of sperm to lower levels in men.

For their further investigation, the researcher employed 320 healthy men aged 18 to 45 from seven different countries across the world. The recruited men had long-term relationships and have been dependent on the drugs to prevent unplanned pregnancies and the combination of  hormones is nearly 96 percent effective.

According to Allan Pacey, a professor of andrology at the University of Sheffield said that he agreed and said that the side effects are a major concern but said that it is impressive. 75% of men said that they're willing to use this method in the present year.