"The Walking Dead" is now on its midseason break and based on what viewers have seen so far, it looks like madman Negan lives to kill and wreck havoc till forever. But there are rumors that fans would have to love him, like it or not, in the coming second half of season 7. Negan's backstory is due to premiere and creators recommend a box of tissues nearby.

Forbes recapped what happened in the midseason finale of "The Walking Dead" last night. The episode featured Negan gutting Spencer as a favor for Rick. Spencer has been betraying Rick all this time and going behind his back. Those who have read the comics could tell that it was a scene duplicated from the comic book as he ended the evening by killing Olivia for the assassination attempt of Rosita.

But as gruesome as this may seem, fans of "The Walking Dead" will be touched at Negan's backstory which is rumored to be revealed in the next half of the season. This could also mean that this villain is yet to stay for more episodes and possibly an entire season (season 8) to be devoted to an uprising against him.

And to fans who wish Negan won't be around for the next half of the season, here's more bad news. What TV viewers are actually watching is just issue 111. The comic book is now on issue 161 and Negan is alive and doing well.

Meanwhile, Comic Book reported that Negan's backstory was actually serialized into a comic book entitled "Here's Negan." This "The Walking Dead" comic book spinoff showed how the actual Negan that we know today came to be.

In the first few episodes of "Here's Negan" the villain was seen as a high school gym teacher wanting to amp up his students' performance. This could be the reason why he chose a bat as a weapon. Apparently, Negan lost his wife to cancer and this was how his angry, menacing character came to be.

Fans could therefore expect something human, something similar to the Negan in the comic books as they look forward to learning more about his story in the second half of season 7.