The recent find evidence from Mars suggests that life on Mars is almost touching. But a lot of rumor is growing about going to Mars.

According to PHYS, sending a manned mission to Mars would probably make America great once again. But this could not fully carry out in the lifetime of Trump administration. Clinton administration would have preferred to go back to the Moon. So the international cooperation on a moon project seems strong. But other say the moon is a boomerang.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration's current Mars venture is the Curiosity rover. The robot landed at Gale Crater on Mars more than four years ago. After analyzing the minerals Curiosity has confirmed," Mars was once a wet world with much of the chemistry required for life".

However, concrete evidence of life is not being found on Mars. But the recent discovery of Boron material puts the idea Mars is an indication of past habitability. Curiosity scientists are speculating that about 3.8 billion years ago, at the time life originating on Earth, Mars were capable of holding water.

Meanwhile, people are dreaming of going to Mars and transforming it. At the same time, Elon Mask's ambitious plan Space X have already triggered the idea of this dream, reported by ars TECHNICA.

Indeed, future Mars mission is still in a problem. No geopolitical reason exists for NASA to send humans to Mars. President Obama invested scant political capital into the idea. He was more concerned with Earth science and the development of commercial space industry.

As a practical destination, the Moon offers several advantages over Mars. As it is only about three days away and accessible via several different orbital approaches.

NASA watch's Keith Cowing suggests that NASA is unable o know about the future budget on Mars mission and also said, "whether science is being carved out of NASA or the journey to Mars is being canceled".