As the New Year arrives, the human race has something better - more advanced to look forward to. Many reports regarding the end of the world came out but a new report has suggested the ways the which could lead to human extinction. 

According to Vox, authors Dennis Pamlin of the Global Challenge Foundation and Stuart Armstrong of the Future of Humanity Institute jot down what appears to be the "first, science-based list of global risks and potentially infinite impact" of things that is most likely to destroy the world.

According to LiveScience, Earth is 4,550,000,000-year-old. Here are the plausible reasons why the world would end:

Global warming leading to climate change

According to the study conducted by Dennis and Stuart, our world is moving towards this scenario. They further highlight the concept of geo-engineering wherein things like spraying sulphate particles into the stratosphere to cool the Earth may lead to unknown risks that may make matters worse.

World War 3?

The US bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki back during the World War II. Things were truly catastrophic back then. However, Dennis and Stuart worry about that the world might be proceeding towards a nuclear war next.

 A deadly plague

The worst pandemics such as Black Death or the Spanish flu took place back in 1918. While the governments were able to curb it and prevented any chances of them arising again, the authors believe that the world is yet to see the worst possible pandemic yet.

  An ecological collapse

This simply highlights a situation wherein an ecosystem suffers a "drastic, possibly permanent, reduction in carrying capacity for all organism, often resulting in mass extinction." The reasons as to why such a terrible thing could occur are many such as global warming, asteroid impact, carbon emissions and more.

 Absolute collapse of the world's economic and political systems

Severe, prolonged depressions with high bankruptcy rates and high unemployment plus other economic factors could lead to huge economic and political breakdown.

 Volcanic eruptions causing mass extinction

Volcanic eruptions can take place due to a number of reasons, vary from climate change, and damage to biosphere or maybe even an effect on the food supplies.

Nanotech democratizing industrial production

Technology would gradually take over the human labor thereby causing a depletion of human resources and causing mass disruption.

  Ever-increasing super intelligence

The high-tech movies like I-Robot, Terminator 2: Judgement Day," are believed by authors to hold the possibility of actually taking place. Computers are advancing at a rapid speed and there will come a time wherein the systems will be advanced enough to teach themselves the how-about thereby dominating the society.

 A bad governance

A bad government leader could gradually lead a nation into being doomed. Problems such as climate change, lack of employment, poverty, lack of proper facilities in terms of infrastructure are all plausible reasons that may cause mass extinction.


We do not know if the Earth is the only existing living planet out there given the fact that the humans haven't fully discovered the entire, gigantic universe yet.