Watch out women, this one may make you think twice about having the child you always wanted. A 13.47 pound baby was born in Germany this past Friday, but despite her enormous size, both mother and child are now doing just fine.

Baby Jasleen was born in Leipzig, Germany last week and her size was instantly a record-setter for the country. What's even more incredible? Her mother gave birth to the largest newborn in Germany without the help of a C-section.

"I was somewhat shocked at her size. My 11-year-old daughter was a third of her weight, my two-year-old son a little under that. My stomach was a lot bigger this time around but I had no idea there was such a giant inside," said the mother Maria.

Jasleen, who also measured in at a formidable 22.6 inches long, beat out Germany's previous record holder for largest newborn by almost a full half pound. In November 2011, Jihad Yagi set the then-record at an impressive 13 pounds even.

So just how did baby Jasleen grow to such an excessive size? Well, it's not simply a matter of the mother eating way too much, if that's what you're thinking. Rather, the baby's size has been attributed to a rare form of diabetes that can lead to "fetal macrosomia," a term used for all babies weighing in at more than 8 pounds, 13 ounces.

"Jasleen's mother only arrived at the hospital on the day of the birth, and doctors discovered that she had suffered from an undiagnosed case of gestational diabetes, a condition that can cause excessive birth weight in the newborn child," reports the Mirror.

What's even more amazing is that Jasleen is not even close to being the largest baby ever born, not even this year. In March, George King was born in the U.K. and tipped the scales at a hefty 15 pounds, 7 ounces. But even he does not compare to the record holder.

That honor, if one could call it that, belongs to a baby born to Canadians Martin and Anna Bates all the way back in 1879. Martin (7'11") and Anna (7'5") gave birth to a child that weighed an unbelievable 23 pounds, 12 ounces, though sadly that child was not able to survive through its first day on Earth.