Blizzard has constantly been generous to fans of "Overwatch" as it does not let a holiday pass without showcasing new skins for its team-based multiplayer first-person shooter game. For this month, "Overwatch" players can access the new Year of the Rooster loot boxes for the new Lunar New Year skins.

"Overwatch" Lunar New Year Skins Details

Blizzard's Year of the Rooster event is currently ongoing today and will end on February 13, 2017. According to Mashable, the new Year of the Rooster loot boxes will either contain new spray, icons, character voice lines or new skins.

The "Overwatch" heroes who reportedly have the Lunar New Year skins include Reinhardt, Ana, Roadhog, Junkrat, Tracer, Bastion, Winston, Mercy,, Zenyatta, Symmetra and Mei. Heroes with the new skin are uniquely garbed in a fashion that blends with the Chinese New Year's theme.

"Overwatch" Lunar New Year Skins Mei Controversy

While most fans are happy that some of their favorite "Overwatch" heroes are having new skins, a fair number of Mei fans are outraged that the Lunar New Year skins have made her much slimmer. Mei is known for being a plus-sized woman in the game but the new skins made her form remarkably slimmer.

According to Kotaku, Blizzard has taken note of this and acknowledged that Mei in the new Lunar New Year skin looks slimmer. However, they said that this wasn't intentional as the change was caused by a bug in the recently released skins. An "Overwatch" representative has stated that they have fixed the code but it may take a new patch for it to be implemented and for Mei's full figure to go back to normal in the skin.

Do you believe Blizzard's excuse of Mei's slimmer form in the Lunar New Year skin in "Overwatch" to be the result of a bug? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.