During a recent stage event at the Taipei Game Show in Taiwan, Square Enix highlighted, even more, gameplay for NieR: Automata. The footage, which was presented by the game's Producer Yosuke Saito and YoRHa 2B's Voice actress Yui Ishikawa, is basically the direct follow-up of the gameplay that was also showcased during another staged event earlier today.

NieR: Automata gets another highlight

In the showcase of the game, the media got to see the first footage of fishing using the pod, which unfortunately was not able to catch anything. If you want to see what an actual fish looks like in the game, you can check out the screenshots recently published on GoodNewsGaming.

After the failed attempt at fishing, people in attendance were treated to some more explorations and vistas in the game, including a largely collapsed highway, with the gameplay ending in front of a giant, poor-conditioned building. On top of that, people also get to see an additional screenshot that shows the ruined amusement park area.

If you want to try the game out

If you are interested in wanting to see more, you can enjoy more recent gameplay that showcases quests and customizations on a demo that was released last December. If you want to try the said demo out for yourself, you can try it for the North American version and the European version.

It weighs 4.4GB of download, but all-in-all, it's very much worth it. As an additional bonus, both versions include dual audio, English and Japanese, and a whole bunch of fun.

Official release date

According to DualShockers, NieR: Automata will launch in Japan for PlayStation 4 on February 23, in North America on March 7, and in Europe on March 10. A PC version on Steam has also been scheduled for release this year, but no release window has been confirmed for that one just yet.