Alongside other action sagas, one of the titles that has seen much appreciation from the gamers' end is, of course, survival series games. And a spectacular game without which this context may remain incomplete is Dying Light, a real-time Zombie Survival series which was unveiled originally in January 2015. The game's publisher TechLand has not stopped to attribute new update and stuff since its official debut. The most recent addition to this line-up has been revealed just a few days back most probably to mark the 2 years anniversary of the title's release.

According to Attack of the fanboy, the latest update is a bit different from its predecessor ones as it requires certain specifications but it is more exciting than all other previous extensions. The newly launch update inaugurates first ever eye-tracking feature to the game and thereby adds 14 similar options by which players can now enjoy various in-game motions driven solely by their eyes. But the feature is only accessible with Tobii EyeX Controller.

As per a report by vg24/7, all the 14 options which include overdose of thrilling elements to the game are Clean UI, Extended view, Auto pause, Dynamic light, Automatic interaction with gaze, Flashlight control, Multi-throw with gaze, Aim with gaze, Throw with gaze, Interact with gaze, Zombie awareness, Vault with gaze, Climb with gaze and last but not the least Auto-climb when sprinting.

As per sources, the original edition was a unique hit itself. Other than that the game's excitement was doubled with the unveiling of the Enhanced Edition, which included the next-gen The Following DLC which made turned the game's base zone from city limits to countryside making the excitement and difficulty more scary and chilling. However, the publisher has not yet declared any insight about the title's any sort of new version or sequel. So, players who are interested in tasting more of the excitement of this zombie hunting and survival thriller may have to wait for a while until any further official announcement is revealed by TechLand.