Power Rangers movie might not be disappointing after all as they continually market and spice things up for fans who loved them during childhood. The Power Rangers film is now on a roll following the trailer the studio already released back months ago.

With things getting done, the studio won't hesitate no more for releasing the new posters for the upcoming film with a heavy feature for the mechanical robots of the rangers named Zords. According to Movie Web, the new Zords are being shown off the latest posters released by the studio for the upcoming film, Power Rangers. Fans have seen the Zords in action with the latest trailer released just few weeks ago.

Now, the photos show details with regards to the Zords and the Rangers themselves. In the trailer, Zords form as they battle the gigantic Goldar and upon few seconds, they integrated for the Megazord. The film is surely promising to be critically following what the television series left.

Coming Soon released the whole album in their report. For those unfamiliar, "Power Rangers" film will feature five high school kids who will have their destiny changed when they learned that their town is set to be obliterated by an alien threat. But, the kids should learn how to surpass some of life's challenging tasks and be a Power Ranger who can team up with others to save the planet.

The film is directed by Dean Israelite and stars young talents Dacre Montgomery as Red Ranger, Naomi Scott as Pink Ranger, Ludi Lin as Black Ranger,  R.J. Cyler as Blue Ranger, Becky Gomez as Yellow Ranger with Bryan Cranston playing Zordon. "Power Rangers" is set to hit theaters on March 24, 2017.

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