Kate Middleton turned 35 this January and the duchess is still glowing like she did 10 years ago. One might wonder what's her secret to slow down ageing is without resorting to Botox treatments and beauty surgeries.

Many might think that it's impossible to achieve the glow similar to Kate Middleton's but that's not true. Fans can look forever young and ravishing using products available in the house.

According to Daily Mail, Deborah Mitchell is a beauty therapist who has worked with the royals and top Hollywood actresses. She demonstrated on "This Morning" the chocolate spread face mask, porridge oats bath, named the cleopetra bath, and the banana-avocado sock exfoliator to achieve Kate's glowing skin.

The chocolate spread face mask is very easy to get and claims to help with dry skin. It also works as an exfoliator and moisturize the skin because of palm oil and give a natural glow like Kate Middleton.

Next comes the exfoliation bath aka the "Cleopatra Bath" if one wish to look like Kate Middleton. The porridge oats in it helps to soften the skin, as per Elle.

This is done by placing a cupful of plain porridge oats into a sock or muslin cloth. Then tie the little bag around the tap of your tub or simply put it in your bathtub.

 The oats beneficial properties will seep into the bath water like this. At the end the bag can also be used like a loofah for body exfoliation.

 It is important to focus on your feet as well if one wants to get the Kate Middleton glow from top to toe. To achieve soft feet a mixture of ripe bananas and avocados in a sock is what needed to be done.

Avocado is full of natural oils and will moisturize the skin whereas the potassium in banana is to make the skin supple. The bananas also exfoliate and remove the dry skin.