Red wine, a drink for royalty, a forbidden refreshment for ladies, fuel for a bachelor's weekend spree, but through it all except for Prohibition and other dark past in history, wine has become a medicine. There are a couple of facts that ought to know about how alcohol consumption will truly affect individual health.

According to Consumer Reports, the proof is certainly clear that alcohol intake can support the heart wellbeing. The information released about a year ago from the Nurse's Health Study shows that it has 23 percent of people who drink moderately lower the risk of coronary disease in women.

Kenneth Mukamal, M.D., M.P.H., clarify that alcohol affects the platelets, acting like a mellow blood thinner. Moderate alcohol intake can likewise raise HDL cholesterol and brings down the level of the blood segment fibrinogen, which may likewise help blood more slender.

Based on the research, it appears to be safe to have a glass of red wine or alcoholic beverages a day. However, drinking excessively may lead to a risk of liver disease, abusive behavior, and making it too difficult for doctors to recommend drinking even a little amount of red wine in modern time medication, as what NBC-2 reported.

A 2015 study published in British Medical Journal (BMJ) found that in related with the non-drinkers, moderate drinkers had a two or six percent of the higher risk of cancer in general. Women who drank the amount of alcohol in 33 percent to one glass of wine every day had a 13 percent of increased risk of malignancy, generally determined by breast cancer.

Without the clinical proof, a few doctors are hesitant to suggest moderate drinking as a healthy strategy. However, drinking wine is connected to other healthy behavior, such as keeping a better diet and having a regular exercise. The primary concern is, one glass of wine has a little small health-related risk.