US President Donald Trump called NASA female astronaut Peggy Whitson from International Space Station to congratulate her for the success. The 57-year old female astronaut stayed 534 days in space and beat the record of her colleague, Jeff William.

During US President Donald Trump call to Peggy Whitson from International Space Station, he mentioned that he want the female astronaut to speed up into Mars in next three years. While the new female title holder of man in space answered the US President on positive view but took to long to happen since it will cost very expensive.

On Independent report, US President Donald Trump replied Peggy Whitson that it will likely to happen in his second term if ever he were be elected again this coming 2025. President Donald Trump seems very excited on NASA's next achievement which he assumed that the astronauts will take another step but this time it would be Mars.

Meanwhile, NASA set a plan to speed up in Mars by 2030 since the US President Donald Trump signed a bill which states to have funded the next project. But there is no clear evidence if President Donald Trump was serious or just joking in his statement during his call to the International Space Station from the Oval office to congratulate Peggy Whitson.

According to NASA astronaut, Peggy Whitson that the bill signed by US President Donald Trump in March giving the fund of $19.5 billion for the agency to send astronauts from the desired planet this coming 2030s. President Donald Trump seems very serious on his statement saying that the mission is not far from possible and might be happening in advance, claimed by New York Times.

Moreover, US President Donald Trump call from the International Space Station was accompanied by Ivanka Trump who set behind his side and Dr. Kate Rubins. Dr. Peggy Whitson was seen standing with another astronaut who come in space last week, Col. Jack Fischer.