A gross video showing a huge spider crawling out of a woman's ear has gone viral. It was taken just in the moment where her doctor was examining her. 

Lekshimi L, a 49-year-old, was sleeping on her porch when she felt something tingling in her right ear and woke up. She tried to poke her ear and asked her daughter to use a torch and try to look inside.

After a while, the pain made her husband rushed her to the hospital, where doctors were able to spot the spider and filmed it. You can even watch what it looks like a web behind.

Dr. Santosh Shivaswamy, specialist who treated the mother told the press: "It is common to see emergency room visits due to the presence a foreign object in the ear and it takes a simple procedure to remove the object. However, when a living insect makes its way inside a human ear, the patient's anxiety makes it difficult to continue the procedure."

There was no lasting damage to the woman's ear according to her doctors.