Today, June 7, marks the memorial service for the great Maya Angelou.

Last week, on May 28, Dr. Maya Angelou died in her hometown of Winston Salem, North Carolina. All over the world and all over Internet, many paid respect to the woman whose words helped change the world.

Today, Maya Angelou's friends, including former President Bill Clinton, Oprah, and first lady Michelle Obama, all traveled to Winston Salem to pay respect to the great doctor who has left behind an even greater legacy.

"She was without a voice for five years and then she developed he greatest voice on the planet. God loaned her His voice," Bill Clinton said at the memorial service, according to the Huffington Post. "She had the voice of God. And he decided he wanted it back for a while."

Oprah Winfrey also shared a few words about Angelou and described Angelou as her "spiritual queen."

"She was my spiritual queen mother, and in everything that word implies she was the ultimate teacher," Winfrey said through tears during the service. "She taught me the poetry of courage and respect." [NBC News]

Angelou's grandson, Elliot Jones, opened the memorial service with an excerpt from one of Maya Angelou's most praised works, "Still I Rise."

In addition to writing, Maya Angelou was also a Tony-nominated actress, movie director and playwright.

NBC News reported that one of her co-stars, Tyson, spoke of Angelou's powerful performances when she got on stage.

"I can tell you that every emotion known to man was exhibited by Maya," Tyson said. "She held back nothing."

Dr. Maya Angelou was best known for her 1969 autobiography "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings," about growing up in the South during segregation.

Despite her troubling youth, Angelou rose to become an accomplished, writer, actress, singer and dancer. Though she never graduated from college, she taught for more than 30 years at the private North Carolina University.

She died at the age of 86 in North Carolina.

Rest in peace, Maya Angelou. Your legacy will continue to live on and inspire the world.