Top Amazing Mexican Facts

(Photo : Stocksnap)

Mexico is well-known for its beautiful beaches. However, there are some interesting facts from its culturally rich places, history, and people that you should know to have more reason to travel to the country.

Check this out: Missing for a Day: Mexican Women Protest by "Disappearing"

Here are some interesting facts about Mexico that you should know:

The Real Name of Mexico

The real name of Mexico is the United States of Mexico or Estados Unidos Mexicanos, says an article. The reason for its name is that it is divided into 31 states and a Federal region.

Each of the states in Mexico has its policies, regulations, and laws. This set up is similar to the United States of America. When you are in a different state from your permanent residence, your phone will be in roaming.

Mexico City became Capital Mexico in 2016

In this fact about Mexico, the majority of the world believed that Mexico City had been the long-time capital of Mexico. However, the country's long-term capital had been Distrito Federal (DF) or the Federal District. In 2016, the city's name was officially changed to Ciudad de Mexico or CDMX.

There had been some confusion because Mexico City's metropolitan region is situated inside DF and other parts of the State of Mexico. However, only the residents of DF can claim they live in the capital.

The Mexican Spanish Language is Unique

The Spanish language spoken in Mexico is unique. An example is the Spanish word torta. In Mexico, torta is a sandwich, not a cake. Also, sope in Mexico is a Mexican-style type of made with a dough, some toppings, and a sauce.

The Largest Immigration Group in Mexico are Citizens from the United States

In the United States of America, Mexico-born populations are its largest immigrant group.

In this fact about Mexico, the largest immigration group are citizens of the United States of America. Based on a 2010 census, there are more than $750,000 US citizens residing in Mexico.

There are 34 UNESCO World Heritage Areas in Mexico

Inside Mexican territory lies 34 UNESCO heritage sites. These sites include centers in the towns of Mexico City, Puebla, and Guanajuato. Additionally, more than a dozen ancient ruins, Tequila agave fields are part of the list.

There are Women-Only Carriages in Buses and Metro

Mexico had been known to have an abundant number of women-abuse cases. However, women from Mexico are given some unique privileges.  

In Mexico City, there are buses and special subway sections for women. 

This may not seem like a privilege to some but compared to the abuse of women in public transport such as in Turkey, Mexican women are more privileged.

The government of Turkey does not even have a special section for women. Additionally, Mexican men have been described as 'Caballeros.' It means men are opening doors for women, picking women up for dates, and pay for meals and dates.

According to a 2013 study made in Mexico City, the majority of women prefer to use the subway's general section instead of the women-only section. The reason for this is that men are kind enough to give women a seat compared to other women giving theirs.