Mexico has been suffering from a massive heatwave as of late, and it has brought about drought in parts of the country. Howler monkeys are reported to be just dropping from trees, and dying from the heat. The drought has led to water shortages across Mexico and people are already protesting. However, the heatwave has been so bad that even the police have been seen joining these protests.

In the capital, Mexico City, local neighborhoods had to form human chains to block boulevards to demand water. Police would usually redirect traffic whenever these protests happened, but instead, some of those who were manning a protest blockade near the Independence Monument actually joined in.

These officers stood blocking six lanes of traffic and protested along with the ordinary citizens, complaining that they had not had any water in their barracks for a week and that their bathrooms were unusable.

"We don't have water in the bathrooms," one female officer who spoke with the Associated Press on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal stated. She added that the conditions in the barracks were intolerable and claimed that "They make us sleep on the floor."

"The bosses have water in their offices, but we're not allowed to go in there," the female police officer continued. "They don't give us solutions. Today they brought in a water truck after they saw the news media show up."

This is just one instance of the longstanding tensions between police officers and their supervisors over several issues, which include sexual harassment and unfair working conditions. The distribution of water during times of drought has also been an issue.

Howler Monkeys Falling Dead From Trees As a Result of Mexico's Severe Heatwave

Mexico's brutal heatwave has not just affected humans but wildlife as well. This is evident in the town of Tecolutilla, Tabasco where dead monkeys started appearing and falling from trees. The main reason for this is the heatwave.

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The local volunteer fire-and-rescue squad in the area recently arrived in the town with five howler monkeys in its truck bed and they were all rescued from their heat-related predicament. The volunteer firefighters claimed that this group of monkeys was asking them for help.

"They arrived in critical condition, with dehydration and fever," veterinarian Dr. Sergio Valenzuela told the Associated Press. "They were as limp as rags. It was heatstroke."

"They (the volunteers) asked for help, they asked if I could examine some of the animals they had in their truck," added the vet. "They said they didn't have any money, and asked if I could do it for free."

The monkeys seem to be recovering already after the doctor placed ice on their hands and feet and hooked them up to IV drips with electrolytes.

Mexico Heatwave Bringing in Melting Temperatures Across Mexico

In Mexico City, the temperature is usually temperate. However, on Thursday, the temperature peaked at 34.3 degrees Celsius (93.7 degrees Fahrenheit). Over in Puebla, it broke its previous record of 34.3 C on Thursday, with temperatures going up to 35.2 C.

Right across from Texas is the state of Tamaulipas and it was just sweltering there, especially in the city of Ciudad Victoria. According to Reuters, temperatures reached 47.4 C on Thursday in that city.

READ MORE: Mexico President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Guatemala President Bernardo Arevalo, Meet Regarding Migration

This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Rick Martin

WATCH: Howler monkeys are dropping dead from trees in Mexico's intense heat - Associated Press