In Buenos Aires, Argentina, President Javier Milei has captured national attention with an extraordinary event that combined a book launch and a rock concert at the famed Luna Park arena.

This unconventional gathering drew a massive crowd of supporters amid ongoing controversy over his economic policies, The Guardian reports.

Rock Concert Turns Political Rally

Thousands of fervent supporters, predominantly young men, filled Luna Park to capacity to witness President Milei's theatrical performance.

Known for his flamboyant style and libertarian beliefs, Milei took to the stage clad in a knee-length leather jacket, reminiscent of his earlier days as a frontman in a Rolling Stones cover band called Everest.

With impassioned rhetoric, he proclaimed himself "the king of a lost world" and vowed to upend the status quo, according to Boing Boing.

Milei's ascension to power in November was fueled by promises to rescue Argentina from soaring inflation and economic instability.

However, his critics argue that his radical economic reforms, which include cutting subsidies and implementing austerity measures, have exacerbated hardships for many Argentinians.

Despite these challenges, Milei's charismatic persona has galvanized a dedicated following, who view him as a symbol of resistance against perceived socialist policies.

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Javier Milei Book Launch Amid Controversy

Earlier in the day, Javier Milei had planned to promote his new book, "Capitalism, Socialism and the Neoclassical Trap," at the Buenos Aires International Book Fair.

However, he opted to move the event to Luna Park after tensions arose with organizers over his policies and their impact on cultural institutions.

The venue changes only amplified the spectacle as Milei transformed what could have been a scholarly presentation into a rock-infused political rally.

Upon taking the stage, Milei electrified the crowd with his energetic performance, which included a cover of "Panic Show" by Argentine band La Renga.

The audience responded with chants of his political slogan, "Long live liberty, dammit!" and fervent applause.

Milei's ability to seamlessly transition between rock star and academic further underscored his multifaceted appeal, AP News noted.

While Milei's supporters celebrated his unorthodox approach and defiant spirit, critics lambasted the event as a distraction from Argentina's deepening economic woes.

Lawmakers from the center-left coalition Frente de Todos accused Milei of exacerbating the country's economic crisis with his stringent austerity measures.

They argue that his policies have failed to deliver the promised economic revival and have instead deepened social inequalities.

Despite the criticism, Javier Milei remains undeterred, buoyed by a strong support base that sees him as a necessary disruptor in Argentine politics.

His confrontational style and provocative rhetoric have resonated with segments of the population disillusioned with traditional political elites.

As Argentina grapples with its worst economic crisis in decades, Milei's unconventional leadership continues to polarize public opinion.

His rock concert-cum-book launch at Luna Park underscored his ability to captivate and mobilize supporters while simultaneously drawing fire from detractors who accuse him of exacerbating the country's challenges.

Whether Milei's populist appeal can translate into sustainable policy solutions remains a contentious question as Argentina navigates uncertain waters.

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Ross Key

WATCH: Argentinian president Javier Milei belts out rock song at book launch - From Guardian News