Last week, when writer, producer, actor, and director Kevin Smith paid a visit to the "Star Wars Episode 7" set, he remained tight-lipped about what he saw during his visit.

However, he did assure fans that "The FORCE is WITH this movie" via Instagram.

Smith then went on to explain that he had signed a non-disclosure agreement as a way to ensure the privacy of the "Star Wars" franchise and to prevent further "Episode 7" leaks.

"Visited JJ and his EP VII set. I signed the NDA so all I can share are this old Bantha-Tracks subscriber's tears and snotty nose of joy. The Force is WITH this movie. Holy Sith," Smith shared with his Instagram followers along with a teary-eyed selfie.

But it seems that this week, Smith has had a change of heart despite his NDA because he is now opening up about his memorable visit to the "Star Wars Episode 7" set.

The Hollywood Reporter reports that during an appearance at Neuchatel International Fantastic Film Festival on Saturday, Smith opened about his visit and his personal invite from "Star Wars" director, J.J. Abrams to visit the set.

"[J.J. Abrams] had sent me an email out of the blue while they were shooting in Abu Dhabi last month," Smith began.

He continued, "So we go to the set and they're actually shooting and they're shooting -- and this is what I can't tell you what they were shooting -- but what I saw I absolutely loved. It was tactile, it wasn't a series of f---ing green- and bluescreens in which later on digital characters would be added. It was there, it was happening."

In addition to Smith describing the set and film shooting as authentic and "tactile," he also went on to explain what he saw during his visit.

"I saw uniforms, I saw artillery that I haven't seen since I was a kid. I saw them shooting an actual sequence in a set that is real -- I walked across the set, there were explosions and it looked like a shot right out of a f---ing 'Star Wars' movie," he exclaimed.

Smith's final words for his visit included great praise for the film's director J.J. Abrams who Smith described as someone who is "replicating it [the film] with all the love of somebody that has the world's greatest collection of 'Star Wars' figures."

"Star Wars Episode 7" comes out on Dec. 18, 2015. Will you be watching?