Cristian Castro is known for making headline-grabbing statements, and this time is no different.

The singer has gone on to call himself a lesbian.

"Yes, definitely. There is a lot of feminine energy in everything I do since I was very little," he said. "I have had a highly developed feminine side because I grew up with three stunning women. Perhaps my worst punishment was to become heterosexual. I think I'm a lesbian. I am a woman, and I like women."

Castro was also not been shy about his sexual experiences.

The singer said he has been with 2,000 women and that his first sexual encounter took place when he was 10 years old.

Castro said he is very cautious and gets himself checked out once a year for any sexually transmitted infections.

Twitter users commenting on Castro's revelations have either been very confused about his statements or said that he is gay.

The singer made headlines earlier this year when he dressed up as a woman for a music video.

He joked about coming out of the closet, and he thanked Ricky Martin for the inspiration.

"My mom wanted to do my makeup and dress me up in gold, but I told her no because, if not, I would look like Paulina Rubio," he said.

Castro's third child was recently born, who he wouldn't accept as his child until there was proof from a DNA test.

As of July, the singer of "La Malquerida" theme song was ready to accept responsibilities as a father.

"I'll never deny that I am someone's father," he said. "But I like to check that it is my child. With children, you have to be a good person and not to have them carry on all your burdens. On the contrary, you need to give them the support they need."