Adalind might face fierce competition from a new guest star that will be introduced in Season 4 of NBC's "Grimm" this fall.

TV Guide reports that British actress and CSI alum Louise Lombard will guest star on the drama series next season as Elizabeth Lascelles, "a mysterious woman who is connected to the royal families."

There is also speculation that Elizabeth will go toe-to-toe with Adalind, who will travel back to Europe to retrieve her missing daughter. Adalind believes that the child was kidnapped by the royals, however Prince Viktor actually lied about having her baby. He is also with Detective Nick Burkhardt's mom.

Executive producer David Greenwalt dropped a spoiler about Elizabeth, telling TVLine that the upcoming season will feature a "new character who will enter the fray who also really wants to find that baby."

As "Grimm" fans can recall, Season 3 ended with a daunting cliffhanger as Nicki lost his Grimm powers and Captain Sean Renard was left in critical condition after being shot in the chest by Weston Steward.

According to Executive Producer David Greenwalt, Season 4 picks up right where the finale left off and Nick will suffer from an identity-crisis due to his loss of powers.

Earlier this summer, Greenwalt talked about a new evil Wesen that will be introduced on the show in the first couple of episodes who "steals your identity but in a very disgusting way," reports the Los Angeles Times' Hero Complex.

According to TV Guide, a character named Gedächtnis Esser, aka Octo-Man, can steal someone's memories by attaching his tentacles to their head, leaving his victims either dead or with severe memory loss.

"This guy is ruthless and sophisticated -- a high-tech spy who is involved with some highly placed military intelligence personnel," Greenwalt told TV Guide.

In addition to Octo-Man's many victims, he will also target Trubel, the new feisty Grimm in town, which "will leave her in a very dire state," said Greenwalt.

Season 4 of "Grimm" premieres on NBC on Friday, Oct. 24 at 9 p.m. ET.