Recent reports of jailbreaks for iOS 8 could all be scams, The Epoch Times reported.

Any software by websites or videos on YouTube showing a jailbreak are likely scams, and the two most popular teams typically to release jailbreaks, evad3rs and Pangu, have not yet released one.

But some questions whether or not a new jailbreak for mobile Apple devices, such as the iPad and iPhone, are even necessary with the new version of the platform.

Apple was known for having strict limitations on what its devices could do, the apps they could use, and the freedoms they had to interact with third-parties.

Over the years, some things have improved and users have been able to use apps natively or through other Apple devices, reports MacWorld.

Problems before included an inability to project the interface of the device, third-party keyboards and streaming media from some apps.

Many of these problems were fixed by jailbreaking, but now many of them have been resolved by Apple.

But anyone claiming to jailbreak the newest iOS is likely scamming, and updating to it from an old jailbroken device will cause someone to lose the jailbreak, The Epoch Times reported.

Pangu released a statement regarding the jailbreak, "After MuscleNerd's recent statement that an iOS 8 jailbreak is still possible, the Pangu Team has now confirmed that they are indeed working on one. If you remember, the Pangu Team was the first to release a public tool that made iOS 7.1.x jailbreak possible. Now that iOS 8 is here and there's no way to downgrade to iOS 7.1.2, people are going to be waiting on an iOS 8 jailbreak."