A majority of Latino Catholics support gay marriage, according to a new poll surveying more than 1,500 Latinos nationwide in. The census was released by the nonprofit Public Religion Research Institute, and a similar poll conducted last year by the Pew Hispanic Center yielded similar results. Both organization's calculations revealed that faith shapes opinions on social issues.

Six years ago a mere 36 percent of Latino Catholics supported gay marriage, last year it was more than half, and this year it is said that nearly two-out-of-three Latino Catholics support same-sex marriage. Though, nearly half of Latino Catholics have indicated that they believe that sex between same-sex couples is wrong.

Latino Catholics are more likely to support gay and lesbian marriage than any other Latino Christian sector. Protestant Latinos are equally divided, half of them supporting homosexuality in spite of teachings. Evangelical Latinos were far less supportive, only 26 percent of them supporting the union of homosexuals.

It has been indicated that while Latinos Christians are learning traditional negative sentiments toward homosexuality in church, a great deal of them are finding that he/she can disagree with the teachings and still be a good Christian.

The survey was conducted during August and September of this year, in English and Spanish, and was presented online. Along with the findings about Latino Christians support of gay marriage, the survey also stated that overall, more than half of Latinos supported same-sex marriage, though it is not indicated how many of those individuals believe that same-sex sex is okay. The survey also addressed the issue of abortion, which unsurprising received very little support from Latino Catholics. Only 39 percent thought that it was acceptable to stray away from teachings about abortion.

The population of the Latino Catholic church is dwindling, however. Many Hispanics finds homes in other denominations, or they are leaving the church entirely, the survey also disclosed.