Members of the Rivera family continue to be at odds.

In an interview with the press, Lupillo Rivera was asked about his younger sister, Rosie Rivera, who said she just wanted her family to be at peace. Though he had a smile on his face, he did not have such a polite answer.

"Evading the question, and I think you should realize that this dude doesn't want to talk about it," he said in the interview aired by "Sal y Pimienta."

He also cursed and said he wants the press to stop asking him the same questions.

As the hosts of the Univision show point out, it is not certain what has driven Lupillo away from brother Gustavo. So while Rosie and her parents may want the brothers to get along again, it must be a pretty complicated problem as they continue to not get along.

Recently, Rosie spoke about missing Lupillo. She said growing up Lupillo was like a second father to her, and he would always give her advice about her boyfriend. Now, she would like advice on her marriage, but she can't turn to Lupillo.

"Maybe one day we'll be able to knock on the door and ask for forgiveness," she said, according to TV y Novelas. "Lupillo was like my second father. ... He always gave me advice about men. Now, I'd like to talk to him to get advice on my marriage."

The two have not completely stopped talking.

Rosie admits she will text him when she needs something, and he will do the same, but their relationship has changed. They are no longer close.

The aspiring actress believes having to deal with her late sister's businesses has put a strain on the Riveras.

"We all have differences of opinions," she said. "We have never fought about money or over who is more famous. We are all suffering, and each one of us is handling it in our own way, but with time, we will heal."