Carrie Underwood realized she was taking a very big chance when she agreed to be cast in Julie Andrews' role as Maria Augusta Von Trapp in the live remake of "The Sound of Music," which will air December 5th on NBC. But one thing she didn't expect was that the fans of the original movie would react with such venom towards her! 

ABC News is reporting that the former "American Idol" winner and country music star is combating a series of "hate Tweets" as a result of her role. "I get hate tweets and stuff like 'You're not Julie Andrews!'" she said. "I know I'm not Julie. Nobody is, and I would never pretend I was. I know my place."

But the Christian Science Monitor is reporting that this remake of "The Sound of Music" is closer to the spirit of the original musical produced by Rodgers and Hammerstein, not the classic holiday film that everyone has come to know and love. For example, Stephen Moyer (in his role of Captain Georg Von Trapp) teams up with castmates Laura Benanti (as Baroness Elsa Schrader) and Christian Borle (as Max Detweiler) to sing a song "How Can Love Survive?" This song will be brand-new to most viewers of the telecast - it was dropped from the movie. 

This telecast will also have a more modern twist, and integrate people of several cultures and backgrounds. Audra MacDonald -- who plays the Mother Abbess -- is, of course, of African-American descent...something that couldn't be conceived of in the original movie, or the musical for that matter.

In addition, of the cast, only Laura Benati has extensive musical theater stage work to her credit (Into the Woods and Nine, and of course her Tony Award-winning role for Gypsy). 

So...will you be checking out this version of the holiday classic? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!