Microsoft has apologized for a letter it created to help male gamers convince their girlfriends to buy an Xbox One for the holidays.

Microsoft's intentions seemed harmless enough. The company created a customizable form letter for men to send to their girlfriends in order to convince their lover that purchasing an Xbox One was good for both of them.

"Hi honey," the letter begins, before taking what some consider a sexist turn.

"You'd rather knit than watch me slay zombies, but hear me out on this: Xbox One is actually for both of us," a line in the letter said.

As a result, blogs and Twitter posts declared sexist on Microsoft.

"Sooo, this is a little sexist, @Xbox...Maybe rethink this? Sincerely, girl who prefers shooting zombies over knitting," one Twitter user said.

Even some respectable people in the video game  world were not pleased, such as Mike Bithell, Thomas Was Alone developer, and Ben Cousins, The Drowning developer, CVG reports. On Wednesday, however, Microsoft changed the letter to be a bit more progressive.

"You'd rather do your taxes early than watch me slay zombies, but hear me out on this. Xbox One is actually for both of us," the new and improved line says.

Microsoft has also apologized for offending some with its letter.

"The letter is customizable, and we meant no offense, but understand how the defaults could be perceived," a Microsoft spokesperson said. "We're making changes to the letter defaults and apologize for the oversight."

Xbox One was launched on Nov.22 and sold over 1 million units in its first 24 hours.